Think fast, think slow: discover your drawers
System 1 and System 2 describe what happens in the brain when you make decisions. From a cognitive psychology point of view, there is...
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System 1 and System 2 describe what happens in the brain when you make decisions. From a cognitive psychology point of view, there is...
The other day, a phrase in a job advertisement particularly caught my eye. In the last paragraph, they emphasised that they are very interested in applications....
Many companies are replacing the term Diversity Management with Diversity & Inclusion (D&I). In Germany, too, the...
Diversity is good for business. Not only from an ethical, moral or legal point of view, but also from a financial perspective. I have here...
Meeting. Immediately, this word probably conjures up many different images in your head. From unproductive time-killing in stuffy rooms to...
Everyone has them, even if no one wants them: unconscious prejudices. Read here six facts that can help you and your company...
Anyone who feels addressed and is looking for a job sends in an application. Up to that point, it's a simple calculation. However, it comes...
Do you also read a lot about the need for more diversity in tech companies, in companies in general, in management floors, supervisory boards and investor circles?...
More and more companies are making use of diversity strategies. Many tech companies such as Pinterest, Facebook, Google and Slack have been using diversity strategies for...
My personal info letter on diversity, inclusion and management topics, with lots of love and added value for you and your work. As a thank you, you will receive my "Unconcious Bias Workbook" right after your registration.