Finally doing the right thing with our strategic Diversity & Inclusion Consulting

Do you want your team to become more diverse and inclusive? That opportunities in your organization are opened up fairly and intersectionally? And are you ready to tackle the issue strategically? With our Diversity & Inclusion consulting, we will work with you to find out what your strategy is for more humanity and innovation in your company.

Floria Moghimi hält Post its in der Hand und steht vor einer Wand auf der Post its kleben. Sie blickt nach rechts aus dem Bild.

How we can
can support you

Are you motivated and new to the topic of diversity & inclusion? Or have you already set your sights on the next milestone in your diversity strategy and need sparring? With our Diversity & Inclusion Consulting we pick you up where you are right now.

Hiring in companies

Inclusive Hiring: 7 Tips for Diversity in Recruiting

How does my team become more diverse? It is obvious to look for the solution to more diversity in recruiting. However, the most important work should start before the actual hiring. Read more about this in the magazine.

Sound intersectional, data-based diversity consulting with innovative methods, e.g. the new D&I ISO30415

Diversity & Inclusion Consulting Thought Leader in Germany with a broad network of activists, supporters and media

Numerous successful diversity projects for start-ups, tech leaders and DAX corporations in diverse industries

Selected Diversity & Inclusion Consulting clients

Eversheds Sutherland
Tik Tok

"I really liked the setup of the workshop and the way of making us reflecting. Floria gave us some good starting points for fighting against biases and I now have a better idea how to improve on these fields."

Aaron Winn, Head of Technology Immobilienscout24

My inspiring impulse for your event

Whether digital or on-site: Enrich your team event, conference or panel with an inspiring talk from me. I am a passionate and experienced speaker with top-class references.

Speakerin Floria Moghimi ist Teilnehmerin eines Panels und gestikuliert sitzend. Sie blickt eine andere Person auf dem Panel an. Credit: Thomas Magyar
Icon data

"Without the data, especially with leaders who love data and numbers, I don't have anything to show."

In an interview with Deutsche Welle, I talk about why data is so essential for successful D&I work.

Sign up now for my D&I bites.

My personal info letter on diversity, inclusion and management topics, enriched with lots of love and added value for you and your work. As a thank you, you will receive my "Unconcious Bias Workbook" right after your registration.

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Information on the performance measurement included in the consent, the use of the mail provider Mailchimp, the logging of the registration and information on your revocation rights can be found in my privacy policy.
Unconcious Bias Workbook

Be part of the LinkedIn community for a more inclusive work culture.

Be part of the largest German-speaking LinkedIn group on D&I. It's all about Diversity & Inclusion Consulting and how we can all contribute to a fairer working world. We look forward to meeting you.