Do you also read a lot about the need for more diversity in tech companies, in companies in general, in management floors, supervisory boards and investor circles? And ask yourself what that actually is? Since diversity is just one thing, namely very diverse, I have summarised the most important points.
First of all, what diversity is not.
- Diversity is not a business trend - because this is about human rights, the German Basic Law and the General Equal Treatment Act. More on that later.
- Diversity is not exclusively about women and migrants - to put it casually. And it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with a women's quota. The diversity dimensions encompass more than gender and ethnic origin.
- Diversity management does not mean lowering standards or making extra sausages. This is a common prejudice when companies get serious about diversity and inclusion. Instead of always asking in recruiting: Does he or she fit in? ("cultural fit" - which leads to monocultures in companies) - simply replace it with this question: What perspectives can we learn from him or her? That would be the cultural add.
Okay, now to the point: what is it exactly?
The word comes from English and translates as diversity. In a figurative context, it means that all people can live up to their potential, regardless of their social or ethnic background, their gender, their sexual orientation, their religion or world view, their age, their mental or physical abilities. A well-known model to describe diversity comes from the American management consultants Gardenswartz & Rowe.

The diversity dimensions: own and free representation "Layers of Diversity" according to Gardenswartz&Rowe.
In the centre is always the personality, which is individually anchored in the areas mentioned. This model is about showing differences as well as similarities between people. Here you only see the inner dimension. Gardenswartz & Rowe have a total of four of these dimensions.
People are discriminated against and excluded because of different personality traits. For example, when women* experience sexism. But maybe there is also the fact that a woman* who has experienced sexism is a woman of colour. Therefore, in addition to experiencing discrimination on the basis of gender, she also experiences racism. That is Intersectionalitywhen different types of discrimination interact.
Just be who I am
Diversity is above all a positive social design against discrimination and exclusion of different people and groups: By recognising every way of life, allowing every person to live to their full potential and overcoming barriers in society. Diversity simply means the application of human rights to every individual. Historically, the concept originated in the USA and the civil rights movement around Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King. As a reaction, the then President John F. Kennedy introduced the so-called Affirmative Action in the 1960s. This package of measures includes special educational programmes against racism and sexism as well as diversity training .
Diversity pays off
In addition to the socio-political component, diversity also has an economic background. Quite apart from the positive effects on corporate culture and the employer brand, many studies have shown that diversity management has a positive effect on the financial success of a company. You can read more about this here: Why Diversity is for Chief Financial Officers. Germany is currently lagging behind the international trend: according to a study by the Diversity Charter, two thirds of companies have not yet taken any diversity measures.
What is the legal situation in Germany?
Diversity also means complying with existing laws in Germany: the Basic Law and the General Equal Treatment Act. Article 3 of the Basic Law already states that discrimination, for example on the basis of disability, must be avoided:
(1) All human beings are equal before the law.
(2) Men and women shall have equal rights. The state shall promote the actual implementation of equal rights for women and men and shall work towards the elimination of existing disadvantages.
(3) No one may be discriminated against or given preferential treatment because of his or her sex, descent, race^, language, home country and origin, faith, religious or political views. No one shall be discriminated against on the grounds of disability.
In 2006 the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) came into force, which relates in particular to the professional sphere. The aim of the AGG is to
"To prevent or eliminate discrimination based on racial^ or ethnic origin, gender, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual identity.
^ Note on theterm "race": The term is highly problematic and I recommend not to use it. It implies that there is human race - and this idea as such comes from racist theories. France, for example, removed the term entirely from its constitution in 2018.
Despite these legal foundations, people are discriminated against and treated unequally on a daily basis. And experience various barriers - which often prevents people from actively participating in society. This in turn has a negative impact on society as a whole. But it does not have to be this way. Everyone can work on this in their own sphere of influence. Diversity work also means being critical of discrimination. And you can start today!