
What is the impact of microaggressions?

Microaggression: What at first sounds like a small and insignificant misbehaviour of a single person can have a big impact on marginalised people. This is because microaggressions often add up in everyday life. They have a very negative impact on individual well-being. To make the work environment more inclusive, we need to take a closer look at microaggressions. The term microaggression comes from...

Unconscious Bias

Six facts about Unconscious Bias

Everyone has them, even if no one wants them: unconscious prejudices. Here are six facts that will help you and your company. 1. 1. everyone, without exception, has unconscious biases. Our brain works in a resource-saving way. This means that for the majority of the day it falls back on already stored, learned patterns and associations. This happens unconsciously and quasi...


What is diversity? The most important facts

Do you also read a lot about the need for more diversity in tech companies, in companies in general, in management floors, supervisory boards and investor circles? And ask yourself what that actually is? Since diversity is just one thing, namely very diverse, I have summarised the most important points. First of all, what diversity is not. Diversity is not a business trend - because here...