Inclusive Hiring

Inclusive Hiring: Seven Tips for Diversity in Recruiting

How does my team become more diverse? It seems obvious to look for the solution to more diversity in recruiting. However, the most important work should begin before the actual hiring process. After all, the ground for the success of diverse teams is the inclusive culture of the company. 1. Define what diversity, equity and inclusion mean for your company before you start diversity....

Diverse team

When is it a diverse team?

The other day, a phrase in a job advertisement particularly caught my eye. In the last paragraph they emphasised that they were very interested in applications from diverse candidates. That's where I got stuck. Because: what is a diverse candidate anyway? Does that imply that there are non-diverse applicants and if so, what do they look like - far beyond the...

Diversity Business Case

Why Diversity & Inclusion is not a business case for me

Diversity is good for business. Not only from an ethical or legal point of view, but also from a financial one. I have already written here about why diversity is something for financial managers. And I think it is important to emphasise this again and again: because the financial argument takes diversity & inclusion (D&I) as a management principle out of the corner of "soft nice-to-have" ....

Diversity in meetings

Four tips for diversity in meetings

Meeting. Immediately, many different images probably pop into your head when you hear this word. From unproductive time-killing in stuffy rooms, to a short team update while standing up, to really result-oriented working together - the range is diverse and you have certainly experienced both the one and the other variants. But do you...

Unconscious Bias

Six facts about Unconscious Bias

Everyone has them, even if no one wants them: unconscious prejudices. Here are six facts that will help you and your company. 1. 1. everyone, without exception, has unconscious biases. Our brain works in a resource-saving way. This means that for the majority of the day it falls back on already stored, learned patterns and associations. This happens unconsciously and quasi...